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Booking form/Tour request 

"Kennel visit with a self drive cart tour"

Note: It is different start times depending which month.
The reason is that it can not be too hot outside when we drive with the dogs.
Departure time August
Departure time September
Departure time October
Vegetarian or other special food requirements?
Allergies or other medical treatment that may be good for me to take into account. Example diabetes
Do you need transfer
If you need transfer you can click on the link and see the options we can recommend. 
Payment method

Thanks for your request!

Important note:

You will receive an automated reply to this email. The auto response is no confirmation of any reservation.

You will receive a separate email from me in response to your booking request.

My goal is to give you an answer within 24 hours. Sometimes I can have trouble responding quickly because I'm out on tour, but I will do my best to answer you as soon as possible.

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